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About Us

Memory Glass™ is a family business inspired by the loss of a close friend. The recipient of his ashes, a glass artist, created the first Memory Glass™ as a creative and respectful way of preserving his memory. The concept of sharing memories with family and friends is in many ways a tribute to that family friend and that artist.


General questions - info@memoryglass.com

Craig Savage - Principal

Sarah Savage - Principal - Press Room

Vanessa Harrigan - Product Manager


Toll free in the US: 1.866.488.4554 (M-F 9am-5pm PST)
International Customers: 1.805.682.6469


Toll Free in the US: 1.866.488.4539
International Customers: 1.805.845.1726

U.S. Mail

Memory Glass™
325 Rutherford St. Suite E
Goleta, CA 93117

Memory Glass® is a US Registered Trademark 2017
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